After ordering, you will receive an email within a few hours (or sooner) with your SurfBouncer user name and password. Please be patient. Many times it takes a few hours for the transaction to clear the credit card processor, especially for overseas orders. Also, To protect your privacy and personal information to the maximum our VPN authentication servers are not tied to the SurfBouncer web site or order pages. This ensures that there is no connection between the order pages and the actual secure VPN servers. Other VPN companies that provide for instant setup of the purchase have been hacked recently and their users information, including email addresses and identities, stolen. With our system you may have to wait a few hours for your account to be set up. But you can be assured that your VPN credentials and connection are completely secure.
Note: Orders are processed between 7:00 AM to 10 PM (7:00 and 22:00 hours) US Pacific time (GMT – 8). If you are ordering during the hours that our order processing department is closed, rest assured that your order will be processed first thing in the morning.
If you are using an automated spam protection system that requires verification be sure to add our domain ( to your white list. If you do not receive your user credentials within a few hours check your spam box in case it was erroneously put there. If it’s not there send us an email.
Download the software from the links provided in the email we sent you with your user credentials.
Windows Click on the link for setup instructions
For technical support email:
Note: The locations listed above and shown in the image are for the full Personal VPN service. If you are using one of the Lite VPN service products then the options will match the services for that product.